We will support you with achieving your company goals by understanding your primary process

Services as added value to your company process

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Jan Pronk
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How do you use your machine?

Electromotors, generators and transformers are used in various businesses and surroundings. Each type of usage has a different effect on the wear and tear, and thus the lifetime of your machine. Our Maintenance Engineers can identify relevant aspects regarding the lifetime and maintenance of your machine, such as business processes, environmental variables and critical aspects within the process. These aspects serve as a basis for constructing a maintenance plan, including a yearly budget. 

Maintenance plan

Reliability Engineering analyzes information gathered from inspections based on historic data. The experience of Bakker Repair + Services adds value to this. The result of this analysis can lead to adjustments in the maintenance plan. In this way Bakker Repair + Services can deliver a customized maintenance plan specified to your needs. 


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Linde Gas

Repair of 16,5 MW e-motor from Linde Gas within a record time of three weeks. We came to the rescue when Linde Gas’s own supplier needed more than six weeks to deliver the defected part.


Recently, Bakker Repair + Services inspected the main generator and 4 auxiliary generator of NIOZ’s flagship the Pelagia. These inspections showed that all generators needed immediate repairing.

Bakker Services Products & services

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Increase the availability of your machines while saving on maintenance...

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Maintenance engineering

A tailor made maintenance strategy prevents that the condition of your...

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Consultancy E & M

Continuous improvement of the reliability and availability of your...

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Logistics services

Bakker Repair +Services offers solutions to the entire logistical services...

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Spare parts

Are you in search of a replacement electric motor, generator or...

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News arrow  18 February 2025
New at Bakker Repair: Onsite Balancing for Maximum...
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News arrow  30 March 2021
Bakker Repair + Services invests in preventative...
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Are you an ambitious graduate or an experienced specialist? At Bakker Sliedrecht, there are opportunities to use your skills and talents and develop yourself. And that is not a surprise. We are already more than ninety years active in the maritime and industrial electro-technique field and involved in exciting projects throughout the world.

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